
题目:How to Communicate Effectively
主讲人:Giovanni Rosaly
INTRO: Giovanni Rosaly Santiago is from Miami, Florida, USA. Graduated in 2008 from Miami Dade College with a degree in Legal Studies certified by The “American Bar Association” and a degree in Political Science from Florida International University. After graduating he conducted seminars for “Bankruptcy” paralegals in the “Southern District of Florida Bankruptcy Court”. He was also a recipient of the “Hanban Institute” and “The Confucius Institute for the Advancement of Chinese Culture and Language” scholarships. He attended Jiangsu Normal University in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, under the Department of Chinese Language for International students.
TOPIC BRIEFING: Throughout history many atrocious incidents have taken place and change the path of history. From the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD through most recent “Global War on Terror”. All these conflict have been spawned under one common denominator “RELIGION”!!!! Most religions seem to focus in the different in styles of beliefs. Every time these systems of belief collide many innocent lives stop to exist. Through war, executions and persecutions. What makes a person believe so blindly into something that no one can prove its existence? How some individuals are willing to sacrifice their life over their faith? How come many leaders have sent millions of their own into wars over Religion? We will take a journey through the many stories.
题目:Welfare of Animals
主讲人:Zara Louise Kenny
INTRO: Graduating from the University of Lancaster in Politics, Zara Kenny is a Manchester born and raised English teacher of CUMT. She has taught English to all ages, University level being her most current enjoyment. Zara's most recent interest lies in learning the Chinese language.
Close your mouth and cover your ears. Open your eyes. Visualise a world where you can't speak and you can't understand the words being spoken to you.
How do you feel?
Now place yourself in a confined space. A space so small, you cannot lie down, nor turn around. You have no exercise for days upon days, no water for hours upon end.
You are surrounded by bullies. People are laughing at you.
How do you feel?
Like a circus animal, one would imagine.
Join Zara's lecture to take a closer look at what goes on behind the curtain and find out what you can do to protect the welfare of animals.